
Sort your home charging and save money

Before the rebrand

Climate change is the biggest existential threat humanity has ever faced.

The world is finally waking up. The green industrial revolution has begun.

The shift to electric cars is at the forefront.

However, 65% of people considering switching to an EV in the next year said the complexity or expense of getting a home charger could put them off getting the car at all.

Rightcharge is here to help every household go green by breaking down barriers in their way, so we can accelerate the green revolution, together.

My role

My work included designing the brand guidelines, the design system, and the vision for the customer experience that could translate across all touch points. I commissioned an illustrator to create the illustration concept and produced a seed deck.

I worked on

Brand Guidelines
Illustration Direction
Paid Social
Investor Decks

The design system

The logo

Our logomark comprises of a logotype and the 'bolt'. The bolt can be used on its own as an app icon or as a social media avatar, but we do try to use the entire logomark as much as possible.

Colours & typography

The primary pink and charcoal colours are the basis of the brand identity. They are used together with small additions of the secondary greys.

Following on from the personality principles, the title typeface is friendly and postive and the body copy is functional and clean.

Illustration & photography

Electricity is always in motion, and as a result, quite an abstract concept to illustrate.

That's why we chose to visualise energy through movement. Our illustration library consists of large, animated squiggles (that represent currents, roads and cables), coupled with more informative line drawings that feature motion as well. Even when used still, the squiggles still denote a sense of movement.

We use the squiggles as decorative elements behind copy or over images, either animated or still. Whereas our line drawings are used in more explanatory contexts.

Other work

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High-impact tech for good causes everywhere