James & Ella

A happiness and wellbeing company for dogs

Before the rebrand


James Middleton, a well-known public figure and advocate for the importance of dogs on mental health, decided to develop a wellbeing company for dogs.

The first step being to tackle nutrition, he discovered that although feeding raw was best diet choice for his dogs. But raw feeding is messy, time-consuming to prepare and makes holidaying with your four-legged friends not much of a holiday at all. So, he developed a raw freeze-dried food range.

My role

I joined Ella & Co as they were expanding their product range, and we decided to take the opportunity to do a total rebrand at the same time. My work included designing a new visual identity, design system, and the full design of the website.

A photographer was brought onboard to produce fresh product & ingredient images, which I art directed as well. We also brought on different photographer to produce a bank of lifestyle photography and video.

In true startup fashion, the brand has evolved a few times over the 3-4 years I have worked with James, and the latest iteration included a name change to James & Ella, along with an entire retail product range.

I worked on

Brand Identity
Art Direction
Packaging (for retail)
Paid Social
Investor Decks

The design system

The logo

We arched the wordmark to reference a farmstyle aesthetic - a nod to James’ countryside lifestyle.

Colours & typography

A deeper primary blue and secondary neutral have replaced the brighter tones of the previous identity. A contrast between the title and body copy is created by balancing a ornate serif title typeface with a more contemporary and clean body copy typeface.


The brand imagery has deeper, richer tones now, and is intended to document James’ life with his dogs in a very honest way. Lifestyle imagery is captured in a reportage style, is never posed, and tells the story of the bond between James and his dogs. Our product shots are approached as human food still-lifes with beautiful lighting and soft shadows. Individual ingredients are photographed as small chunks in an artistic manner to create consistency across quite a range of different meats, fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Other work

Creature Comforts

Rebuilding the vet experience from the ground up


Making the process of online framing easy, affordable and special

Front of the Pack

Dogs are what they eat