Front Of The Pack - Food

Dogs are what they eat

Before the rebrand

The most common diagnoses made by veterinarians in the US are entirely preventable with the right support. But the odds are stacked against pet parents...

Traditional pet care is reactive, not proactive, with billions spent addressing issues too late. Misinformation rules, from bad 'wellness' advice to misleading product label claims.

Say hello to supreme quality dog food and supplements with transparent ingredients that empower pet parents to take the leash..

My role

The FOTP brand decided to pivot from supplements-only, to air-dried dog food (with supplements as an add-on). So, we totally redesigned the brand, based around the food bags. I created an illustration and lettering style with an illustrator, Lauren Marina to inject a playful boldness into the brand.

I worked on

Brand Identity & Logo
Art Direction
Illustration Direction
Web Design
Paid Social

The design system


Front Of The Pack – the name says it all. It was only right that the logo be bold and playful - much like the idea of having all the ingredients large on the actual front of the food bag. It’s chunky letterforms blend together to make compact shape - while still featuring the diagonal of the original logo within the two lines.

Colours & typography

We wanted to go for bold areas of flat colour, for simplicity of message on the food bags, so a charcoal colour and white are used to complement a suite of flavour colours.

Illustration & photography

Our illustrations are monotone, silhouette-like and characterful. Illustrations help bring a bold personality to life and are combined with bespoke handwritten type and a few characterful hand-drawn typefaces.

The brand photography features a variety of breeds captured against neutral backgrounds, holding food bags in anticipation of their meal. We make the most of the imagery by playing with interesting crops and placements throughout the site.

Other work


Empowering men and women to invest in the longevity of their skin health

Creature Comforts

Rebuilding the vet experience from the ground up


Be the amazing pet parent you want to be