
Blue Zone wisdom meets modern skincare

Nicoya’s story takes root in the Nicoya Peninsula, one of five revered Blue Zones where residents boast the longest lifespans in the world. Here, longevity isn't just about age. It's about a simple life sustained by a plant-rich diet, unbreakable community bonds, and respect for nature.

Nicoya skincare seeks to be torchbearers of this ancient wisdom, extending it to new generations and corners of the globe - to empower men and women to invest in the longevity of their skin health. And to foster a world where every skincare choice has a positive impact on both our bodies and the planet.

My role

I worked with the founder and a copywriter to produce an in-depth Brand Guidelines document, to be passed on to a packaging company to produce the bottles and boxes.

Illustrations and photography used are placeholders, so are for reference only.

I worked on

Brand Guidelines
Brand Identity + Design System
UX/UI Design

The design system

The logo

The logotype is striking, clear and features a leaf in the ‘A’ very subtly. The font has a distinctiveness that references woodblock letters.

Colours & typography

The unisex colour palette is inspired by skin tones and named after the ingredients. The primary colour, Sandalwood, is a colour that could be a tanned light skin or a light dark skin - with a golden undertone.

The title typeface references woodblock (much as the logo and illustrations do), while the body copy font is minimal and clean.

Photography & illustrations

I put together a detailed guideline of the photography to be produced and a style as reference for the illustrations. To reference Costa Rican wood art, we imagined a woodblock illustration style that feels inked on and quite primitive. We would use this style to portray product information in a ‘wellness mantra’ way.

Actual illustrations and photography are underway.

Other work


Men’s health, the way it should be

204 Hoxton St

A sympathetic building regeneration

James & Ella

A happiness and wellbeing company for dogs