Creature Comforts

Healthier pets & happier vets

Before the rebrand

The UK vet experience is broken on both sides.

For pets and pet parents, it’s a rushed, impersonal experience from ever-changing vets, and inflated pricing that you only discover when it’s time to pay. All taking place in depressing clinics.

For vets it’s exhaustion and burnout from being overworked and underpaid. They are forced to work under chronic stress from unsustainable caseloads, in uninspiring workspaces with archaic tech.

That’s why Creature Comforts are rebuilding the vet experience from the ground up.

My role

I joined Creature Comforts after an initial brand guidelines had been designed.

It was my job to reproduce the brand guidelines to ensure the branding was successful across all touchpoints. I also had the task of developing an illustration bank with an illustrator, Jake Tyas, and got heavily involved in designing the clinic interiors with an interior design agency. I also designed the marketing website for the team, print materials, and a suite of supplements packaging.

I worked on

Brand Guidelines
Illustration Direction
Interior Design
Investor Decks

The design system

The logo

I reduced the amount of logos featured in the initial guidelines, by tweaking the typography and featuring the logomark in two tones of purple (as opposed to blue and purple). This allowed us to rework how the logomark features in one-colour as well. The logo initially featured 3 colours, which proved unworkable for a lot of formats.

Colours & typography

Violet and blue are two of the colours dogs find emotionally calming and can help to reduce stress levels. We decided to remove the blue and focus on a purple palette (which is more unique in the vet space). A contrast between the title and body copy is created by balancing a ornate serif title typeface with a more contemporary and clean body copy.

llustration & photography

The initial brand guidelines had specified a painterly style, so it was my job to find an illustrator and produce a bespoke distinctive illustration style that would bring to life the joy of pets. The illustrations were a huge part of the brand, and will feature at large scale in the clinics as well.

The brand photography has many parameters to be met from a clinical perspective, so we worked up a detailed guideline for the style, styling and purpose of all imagery to be shot in the brand guidelines.

Other work

Front Of The Pack

Setting a new standard in pet health


Be the best pet parent you can be


High-impact tech for good causes everywhere